One of the best compliments we can receive is your recommendation!
Earn a complimentary 30-minute massage upgrade to your account for each new person that comes in as your referral (a $55 value). We never limit you to how many Referral Rewards you can earn!
Your friend can let us know your referred them by writing your name on the "how did you hear about us?" section of their intake form.
Massage Upgrade Rewards can be added to any existing appointment to maximize your session!
They have the flexibility to choose between our Intro Offers for massage, facial or Ashiatsu!
To redeem your free massage time, just ask the front desk to add it to the end of your session at the time of your next booking!
As a medical practitioner, you understand the importance of offering your patients comprehensive care solutions. Our Professional Referral Program gives your patients holistic care through Medical Massage, while you enjoy free accumulating massage time for each referral. Check it out!
Mondays CLOSED
Tuesdays 10:30am to 6pm
Wednesdays 2pm to 8pm
Thursdays 10:30am to 6pm
Fridays 12pm to 8pm
Saturdays 12pm to 6pm
Sundays 11am to 5pm
6052 Van Dyke Rd. Lutz, FL 33558 | 813-402-2959
Copyright © 2018 Divine Connections Massage - All Rights Reserved.
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